Our Team at Lake Malawi

Our Team at Lake Malawi
Oh what a great time for one and all at the lake

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rainy day

Since it didn't rain yesterday (Wednesday) it rained most of the night and into this morning sorta disrupting the day.  We moved things around and hopefully we will get to the village this afternoon to dispense of all the gifts to the kids and women.  If not it will have to be tomorrow which is OK too.

We are shopping today for the food for camp.  We will rent buses to transport the kids to Lake Malawi for a campout and experience of a lifetime.  It is going to be amazing.  I forgot to say that we ended our day at about 11 o'clock last night.  Needless to say, I am dropping off straight to sleep which is a good thing for me.

Flexibility is key in Malawi - if things don't work as planned you improvise.  I think it is like that most all over the world and we can take a lesson from that in our busy worlds in the US.  I think how often we get frustrated over a meeting running long, or start late, or things aren't completed by due dates how caught up we get in that "ruining our day" or our plan.  It isn't that way in most of the world. 

I am learning a little Chicewa.  Put it this way - it is easier for others than me.  I like to blame my little knowledge of German, Chinese and English that prevents me from learning another language.  Ha.  Age surely doesn't have anything to do with it.

Nick and Bethany are doing a great job.  I am impressed at their young age how they can plan and pull off a trip like this.  They have an amazing faith and reliance on God.

More later.....

1 comment:

  1. Your comment about flexibility is true. We get caught up in our plans and have expectations that, when not met, cause us frustration.

    Be flexible and let God be your guide.
