Our Team at Lake Malawi

Our Team at Lake Malawi
Oh what a great time for one and all at the lake

Monday, January 4, 2010

5 Days and counting......

Well I am down to 5 full days left before we get on the planes. I am having trouble focusing at work, eventhough I have tons to do before I go - both personally and at work. I want to make sure that everyone has what they need before I go!

I am contemplating my friends that are launching a new big project while I am gone. I feel bad for abandoning them, however, this was planned before the roll-out date was. I don't feel that bad.

A friend created a poster with my head in place of Audrey Hepburn's face in the movie African Queen. It was fun.

Another friend had a grandbaby (in California) and because of that project, won't be able to visit for a while (especially since I am going to be out).

Life will go on - with the weather as cold as it is going to be here this week - I'm not too upset about being in a warm place.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard leaving people behind and, to be honest, leaving work behind.

