Our Team at Lake Malawi

Our Team at Lake Malawi
Oh what a great time for one and all at the lake

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Belisi and Ishmael and Zione and all their gifts

I keep telling myself that these last two weeks, building up to leaving for this trip has been worth its weight in gold for me.  God has shown his faithfulness in the minute detail and has provided for me and the trip in miraculous ways.

First of all, Zione will be getting her pull cart.  I didn't realize until I went to PET (http://www.giftofmobility.org/) what a beautiful organization it is.  Please go visit the link below to see their ministry.  This pull cart will provide not only transportation for Zione (an 18 year old young lady with a debilitating disease that causes her bones to easily break) but it will provide her dignity.  I am so excited to see her face when she gets in that cart for the first time.  The cart that can be pulled through rough terrain where wheelchairs or other modes of transportation don't work.  I was so excited to go and tour the facilities and see the work of the volunteers to get these carts in the hands of needy folks.  I have enclosed some pictures.  This would be a GREAT place to visit, volunteer or take a tour with your group of scouts, class or church group.

During the "negotation" for getting the cart and the visit I also met TWO people that have spent time in Malawi.  THAT just doesn't happen.  I was able to hear the stories of Mel who spent time with  Habit for Humanity and Roger with the Peace Corps - two super Godly men that share Jesus in a demonstrative way.  By the way, that "negotiation" was no more than ASKING for a PET for Zione.  God just put my father's dedication to volunteering regularly with PET in my path that opened that door.

I asked Roger what he missed about Malawi, as he spent the most time there (2+ years) and he just said, "the feeling of being home" and he hoped that I spent a long enough time there to have that experience.  I hope so too.

Then the other thing that happened that kind of smoothed the path for me was at work.  My last day before going on vacation was Friday and I was working really hard to get everything completed and all my loose ends finished and anticipate what people might need.  Needless to say, besides leaving to go get the PET and learn how to rebuild it, I didn't leave my desk.  At about 2:30, my boss asked to see me - I thought, darn, he is going to need something and that is going to put me behind to complete everything I wanted to get done, or worse yet, was this was that pink slip call - did they decide that I wasn't necessary since I can be away from my office for 2.5 weeks?   I followed him reluctantly into a conference room, where I soon discovered I had missed an email about someone's birthday or something because there was a big cake on the table and everyone gathered in the room.  But no, I soon found out, my office mates had treated me to a cake, decorations of wild animals and well wishes from everyone.  I couldn't keep the tears from rolling and soon found out my mascara was not waterproof.  I was floored at the support my team had of my trip.  Thanks Columbia claims and especially Shawn, Kim, Ted, Lynne and Annelle as they will be bearing the responsibility for allowing me to be absent for so long. 
My cake!

Today, I was able to see all the gifts for Belisi and Ishmael - two children sponsored by the Gentry Middle School kids - those two children will be the talk of the town - as Belisi got several notes, specially made bracelets and a cross necklace, dolls, books, coloring books and other various gifts donated by Ms. Hummel's classes.  I was imagining playing Belisi's life out - one where she gained confidence by the support of several children across the world - and because of that support, she goes to school, grows up and gives back to her community and makes it a better place.  All because 5 classes of social studies lived beyond themselves and gave a little to make the difference in Belisi's life.  Thank you kids.  Ishmael has a uniform as well and several gifts too.  How exciting will this be for them!!!

Kerry and Cindy Delisle and their son Clark pictured below with my husband Tom are sponsors of Ezekial.  He is in my group and they are anxious to hear about their "son" in Malawi and see photos.  I can't wait to tell them of my dear friend's the Delisle's.  Without the Delisle's support, Ezekial wouldn't have much of a chance.  Thank you Kerry, Cindy, Clark and Colby.

So, tomorrow morning we leave for Kansas City for the flight to Detroit, Amsterdam, Nairobi, Zambia and then Lilongwe. We will be there by Tuesday afternoon after what I am sure will be the adventure of a lifetime in just those hours of getting there.  I am looking forward to this time when I get to fulfill this dream and place myself in God's hands for what He has next.
More later.....

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